Our story begins more than 60 years ago, when Kemal Tuđarski in the Macedonian capital of Skopje at the age of 14 began to study and learned the watchmaking trade from the famous Skopje watchmaker Pana Staniski ("Pane Staniski taught me the most, he knows everything about watches. Even now that I go to visit my family in Skopje, I make sure to visit the elderly master. And he always welcomes me with some new knowledge about watches. A really wonderful man - says Tuđarski. Magazin Vikend – Number 1037, 8/4/1988"), with whom he worked for the next ten year.
it was easy for him to be only 25 years old, he was a skilled watch repairman, wanting to one day open his own watchmaking workshop in Skopje, Kemal Tuđarski set out into the world in 1970. Like all our other people who traveled west in those years, he wanted to earn money for a house and a car in a year or two, to buy premises in which to set up workshops, to import machines, and save some money.

In Graz, he immediately got a job with a watchmaker and worked there for two years, after which he moved to Vienna and got a job in a Polish watchmaker's workshop, and after a few years he went to KI. Walsertal, a famous winter tourist center near Obersdorf, he was first a watchmaker, but even there there was not enough work, so he got a job as a mechanic on a ski lift in the winter resort there, where he continues to work.
Since he did not want to leave the watchmaking trade, all those years of his stay in Austria he was preparing to one day open a watchmaking workshop at home, so he himself bought various tools and machines.
He worked in Kleine Walsertal until 1982, when he came to Mursko
The center. At first he wanted to open a watchmaking shop in Skopje, but he
waited for a solution for several years, and then they offered him a location outside the city, so
he did not accept.
We opened our first watchmaking shop in 1982 in rented premises at Ulica Maršala Tita 36, and from the middle of 1982 in a new craft center in the center of Čakovec. In the same building, there were another nine different service workshops.
In 1984, Marija Tuđarski, Kemal's wife, joined the watch factory.

In 1988, Liljana Posavec and Vladimir Posavec, daughter and son of Marija, started helping in the family workshop with repairs and sales of watches in the center of Murski
In 1994, the watchmaker opened in Novi Passage in Čakovec, and a year later it moved to its current location in the "Međimurka" department store shopping center.

In 1996, we opened a watchmaking workshop in Prelog, which stopped working after a year due to the difficulty of finding qualified workers.
In 2000, Amira Posavec started working in a watch factory.
In 2010, Marija and Kemal Tuđarski retired, and watch sales, watch service and the watchmaking tradition were taken over by younger generations.
2022. With the rebranding, expanded offer of Fossil, Casio, Swiss Military Hanowa, Citizen, Cluse, Liu Jo, Tommy Hilfiger, Nautica, Lee Cooper, and many other watches and a new webshop, the family tradition of watch trade, watch service and watchmaking is continued by the Posavec family in RK Međimurka.

2024. nastavljamo s razvojem naše poslovnice, proširujući i preuređujući prostor kako bismo stvorili luksuznije i elegantnije okruženje za naše kupce.
Uz već poznate brendove poput Fossil, Casio, Swiss Military Hanowa, Cluse, G-Shock, Tommy Hilfiger, Nautica, Lee Cooper i mnoge druge, sada smo ponosni što u našu ponudu uključujemo i renomirane brendove kao što su Seiko i Citizen.
Također, dodajemo nove proizvode poput kutija za satove kako bismo zadovoljili sve potrebe naših kupaca. Zahvaljujemo se našim vjernim kupcima i partnerima na podršci, a sada vam omogućujemo i kupnju putem našeg webshopa na www.urarna.hr